a Bridge between form and Spirit
Sanskrit/Vedic Chanting
You’re probably familiar with the term mantra. Sometimes people use this term to describe any phrase that they use repeatedly to help create a new positive thought form or pattern in their lives.
Mantra is a Sanskrit word, meaning 'mind extension or expansion.' So the goal with these phrases is literally to expand beyond the current limitations of the mind.
In Sanskrit, every sound is a mantra. Every syllable and every word follows this rule:
name = form and meaning = feeling.
You are literally MANIFESTING FORM when you vocalize. And with Sanskrit, you are purposely manifesting specific sonic shapes (form) that will shift the vibrational state (feeling) within and around you! The sounds are thought to work on the structure of the cells, down to the DNA. Sanskrit is a portal to the intelligence of the universe, the Akasha, the unified field of the universe.
The simple act of using Sanskrit syllables, has so many practical benefits!
Benefits like:
-Calming anxiety
-Clearing your mind to pave the way for meditation
-Increasing creativity
-Bringing you into contact with your higher self
-Improving discernment and self trust
-Increasing your intuition
-Aligning with certain laws of nature to bring about life changes
-Energizing or calming the body and mind at will
Since chanting shifts your vibrational state, it brings you into alignment with the laws of nature - such as the law of attraction and the laws that govern removing negative and placing beneficial obstacles in your life, just to name a couple. As you can imagine, this brings about all sorts of beneficial synchronicities and a moving of energies in and out of your life.
This helps life go more smoothly, because it enables you to act upon the unseen forces (karma and planetary influences) that are operating in your life - for those pieces of karma that are indeed changeable.
Chanting Sanskrit is a healing and awakening modality. And it's much easier to learn than you might imagine!